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Italy has surpassed fossil fuels in its generation of renewable electricity first time

Italy has surpassed fossil fuels in its generation of renewable electricity first time

In Italy, the amount of energy produced from renewable sources surpassed that from fossil fuels for the first time, according to a recent announcement from Terna. The increase in renewable output, which jumped by 64.8% between January and June, was the primary driver of the renewable energy output hike. The combined growth in solar and wind energy was 14.6%.

In contrast, there was a 19% drop in fossil fuel use compared to the same time in 2023. The largest decline, 77.3%, was noted in output based on coal. According to Terna, the operating capacity of renewable energy in Italy increased by 3.7 GW in the first half of 2023, compared to 1.1 GW at the same time the previous year.

The hourly production from renewable energy sources hit a record high of 33.2 GW on June 22 between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.

The stats reflect Italy's ambitions to shift its demographic composition towards greener ones. Italy intends to raise the percentage of power generated from renewables to 63% by the end of this decade under its energy and climate strategy (PNIEC).

According to financial analysts, the trend is anticipated to increase second-half profitability for the nation's largest utilities, including Enel and A2A. The demand for electricity lifted by 1.1% in the first half of the year compared to last year's period, and by 1.5% in June.

More specifically, net domestic output was 22.9 billion kWh. 52.5% of the power demand was met by renewable sources (43.8% in June 2023). Hydroelectric power (+29.4%), wind power (+29.2%), and solar power (+18.2%) all saw increases. Increased operational capacity (+803 GWh) led to higher output, which countered lower producibility because of solar irradiation (-165 GWh). This was the cause of the other rise (+638 GWh). Growth in renewables directly led to a drop in thermal power (-13.7%) and geothermal power (-2.8%).

The government of Italy said in its June National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) that by 2030, renewable energy sources will account for 39.4% of the country's gross energy consumption.

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